Atlanta Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorneys
Marietta Debt Repayment Plan Lawyers
If you are considering bankruptcy, you have several options. If Chapter 7 isn’t right for you or you do not quality, Chapter 13 can still provide you with a positive resolution. the usual Chapter 7 might not work for you. Perhaps you have too high of an income to qualify, or there are certain assets that you can still afford and want to keep. When you start considering your bankruptcy options, you should work with the attorneys who have the experience to get you the best results possible.
At The Kent Law Firm, we have more than 40 combined years of experience helping our Atlanta, Georgia, clients get free from debt. Our attorneys make themselves available to answer questions and strive to help our clients restore their sense of dignity. We will go the extra mile to help you deal with credit card debt, medical bills and unwieldy mortgage payments, all while attempting to keep our fees affordable and reasonable.
Chapter 13 Debt Repayment Plan
Most people that we work with have chosen a Chapter 13 bankruptcy because they didn’t qualify for a Chapter 7. This usually happens because of:
- Excess income
- Significant assets above the Chapter 7 exemptions
- Too much non-dischargeable debt
Non-dischargeable debt includes:
- Debts coming from a divorce, including alimony and child support
- Tax debt
- Student loans
- Criminal fines
- Civil judgments
- Debts arising from fraudulent claims
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorneys Treating You Like Family
Like family, we’ll go the extra mile for you to help you out of a bad situation, never judging you or making you feel embarrassed. In fact, we think one of our most important tasks is to help you start feeling good about yourself again.
We keep our costs low, offering free consultations and making payment plans available for our clients who need it. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. You can send us an e-mail or call us at 404-504-7090. We are conveniently located near the Lenox MARTA station and are available for Saturday appointments.
Consultations are strictly confidential.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.